Sometime back, I blogged about Dr Randy Pausch, who gave an inspirational lecture on following your dreams, dealing with the ones that don't come true and having fun along the way. His lecture on Youtube was downloaded by 10 million people around the world. I am one of whom who had "sat through" his lecture, and was tickled by his sense of humour, and his insights. He passed away on the 25th July 2008 morning of complications from pancreatic cancer.
You may read more of his enduring legacy.
Rest in Peace. You are an inspiration
Hey gloria, just dropped by yr website to check out stuff and started reading yr blog entries. Happy 5th year anniversary and wishing u many more years of celebrating this date with your loved ones. BTW will be sending u my order soon -> so many new stuff! I run out of excuses to buy stuff for my 4mth old son and 2.5yr old daughter and now stocking up for my coming niece (akan datang in Nov 08!) Cheers, Daryl (the one that ordered personalised tees from u and just picked them up last Wed below yr block!)
Hey gloria, just stopped by yr website then started reading yr blog entries. Here's wishing u a happy 5th year anniversary with many more to come!
Cheers, Daryl (the one who ordered personalised tees and just picked them up last wed below yr block)
PS. Ran out of excuses to buy for my 4mth old son and 2.5yr old girl, so now stocking up for my niece who's coming only in Nov!
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