Planning Papa's wake was like planning a big party. It was a celebration of his life, so we felt he that he should deserve the somewhat the best. Papa had left instructions that he would want to have his wake at the Singapore Casket, and so it shall be. It helped that the staff at the Singapore Casket were helpful, knowledgable and ever so obliging.
The photo that was supposed to be used was taken while Papa was on a cruise holiday. It was one of Mum's favourite photo as it showed him smiling and in better times and health. The glossy photo however got "pasted" onto the glass covering. Not sure how they guys did it, but they managed to reproduce the photo that we so loved into a larger picture.
It was a surreal experience, planning his wardrobe, choosing the coffin and the flowers, the buffet menu for the guests who came for the wake and the hymms for Papa's wake and funeral service. Papa wore the mandarin collared suit he wore for my wedding, looking really distinguished. With him in his coffin were his a couple of his favourite Hawaiian shirts, his walking stick and his harmonica to accompany him in his final journey Home.
Many people turned up for the wake, among whom were our old neighbours when we were living in Sims Drive more than 20 years ago. They remembered Papa as a jovial guy with many stories and jokes to tell. The nurses from NKF Teck Whye, who had nursed Papa 3 times a week for the last 6 years also came to pay their last respect. There were hardly a dry eye as one of the nurses Glory told of how grateful she is to Papa for giving her the confidence she has as a nurse now.
When Glory first started out as a young nurse, it was Papa who told her that if she was able to needle him, she would be able to needle any other patient. I would have scrambled for safety if I am to receive any needling from any young inexperienced nurses! While going thru' dialysis treatment, Papa often asked about Glory's father, who is presently in a comatose state due to illness. He was such a sweet fellow...
Thanks Felicia & Jef, the 2 wreaths were really beautiful.
At the Mandai crematorium, a short service was held with eulogy from myself and one of Papa's sister. Despite my anxiety about not being able to compose myself, I guess I did myself proud by not stammering or breaking into tears. Afterwhich, Papa was cremated at 1145 hrs.
Papa's final resting place is at the Church of St Francis Assissi at Boon Lay.
May he rest in peace.
1 comment:
Hope that you're doing well. Wanted to give you space to grieve and not drop some clichéd sayings inevitably... I recently was guilty of using some pretty lame words to console my boss' boss who got laid off. Thankfully he was kind enough to listen and bear with my uncomfortable exchange.
Well, i hope you're feeling better. I know it's hard and i can't imagine what you've been going through all these past days... so i shall spare you from my poor attempt to cheer you up. Feel like i'm woody allen in one of his films hehehe....
Thanks for posting the pix and I love the commercial (made me laugh cos that's what I tell Jeff NOW hahaha)... Oh I am glad that Jeff picked the cheery flowers cos the daisies do look better. I picked the solemn arrangement... think he was right on that one. thanks for sharing your thoughts here... sometimes it's easier to write those feelings down than tell it.
Will call you tomorrow... guess it's time to deliver my pent up collection of clichés ; )
Hugs and love always,
P.S. Please tell your mom i send her my best and prayers.... best to Nic and Mike too. This is hard for a kid to witness. Hope she's doing ok. Kudos to Mike for being THE man.
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