Friday, April 10, 2009

Funeral - English

This advertisement by the MCYS has been airing on local TV recently. Its an ad about a woman presenting an eulogy of her husband in a funeral setting. Its funny, moving, and strike a raw nerve with my dad's recent passing.

Mum talks fondly of Papa often, the good times they share, the holidays they went together. She talks about his bad habits, his idiosyncracies, but I guess these doesn't matter anymore.

She still misses him...I do too

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria,
I am soo sorry, have not managed to read anyone's blog.. till today...My heartfelt condolences and I am sure how tiring it must have been for your family and you the past months. I am sure your papa will always be greatly missed by everyone whose life he has touched.

Love Flora