Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Discretion please

Recently I have been having food stuck between the gaps of my teeth. I have a perfect set of pearlies, and had never had this problem until recently. Not that I need to keep food remnants or leftover bak guas for laters *yuck* Having these food particles stuck to my teeth is really getting on my nerves.
I finally plucked up enough courage, after much procrastination, to visit the neighbourhood dentist. Being a new patient, the receptionist asked for my details to be filled up on the patient card. She asked for my name (ok), address (hmm) contact details (hmmmmmm), date of birth (thats a no-no) medical history (gulp!) All these within ear shot of another patient who is waiting to pick up his prescription! Hello! Does the whole world need to know what kind of medical history i have ???????? Its a long long list, and I wish to keep it personal, and on a need to know basis! I was difinitely pissed, but told the lady to pass me the form to fill up myself. I am literate, you know. But I really wish these folks would exercise more discretion when asking such personal details. Grrrrrrr....

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