Thursday, September 18, 2008

Should Have Kept My Mouth Shut

A couple of weeks ago, during one of my Zometa sessions at NUH, the nurse administering the jab enquired about my health, and details about my treatment. I have no qualms talking about what i am going thru, the treatments, the relapse, my thoughts and feelings about the whole situation. She than shared with me that her mother is currently going through chemotheraphy for cancer. She looked worried, and mentioned that the tumour markers are moving up. I told her not to worry so much. With medical advances, though there's till no cure, there is still a possibility of living with cancer.

Went by NUH today for my monthy dose, and as I was getting ready to leave after treatment, I ran into her. When i enquired about her mother's health, she turn away briefly, and when she spoke, her voice quivered. Her mum is not doing too well, "but she is still looking great". It was an awkward moment. She than quickly mentioned that she needs to rush off somewhere.

Maybe I shouldn't have mention, and just ask her if she had lunch or something. and my big mouth.


Shin said...


I wanted to e-mail you but couldn't find your e-mail address on your Web site.

I wanted to ask you for a brief summary of your diagnosis and treatment you've had so far. I wanted to ask you about Zometa.

Can you e-mail me at

Jas aka paced said...

Hope her mum's doing well, but it was very nice of you to express your concern.