Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ingenious Ways to Save time and Needle Prinks

Got myself scanned. The day went about in an uneventful manner. As usual, Mike accompanied me, and waited together with me while i waited for my turn at each station.

My first stop at 0930 hrs was the Cancer Centre for Blood Test to check on the Kidney and Liver function. Learned from prior experience, that if you ask, the nurse can help you set the plug as well. So that saves you 2 (or even more if you have tiny veins like mine) needle prinks for the Bone scan and CT. And from countless horrific experience in hospitals, the nurses at the Cancer Centre are the Best-est obscure vein finders (the doctors are the worst cos' they out of practice) **Pats myself on back** So proud of myself to think about that.

Second Stop at 1015hrs: Bone Scan. Got myself jabbed with the radioactive isotope. Proceed to have brunch, cos' have to start fasting soon after for CT scan. After brunch, proceed to the radio imaging centre, to collect the horrific contrast drink, which i need to down, so that they are able to see my insides.

So i save some more time, downing the contrast, while waiting for my turn for the bone scan, while reading pretty current magazines.

Finally, they called for me to go in for the bone scan at 1.00 pm. Took extra long time to finish the scan. Hmmmm... they took "close ups" for my torso area, and even my feet. Radiographer said that they see spots there. Dunno what to say...and think

Anyway, last stop was for CT scan. Nothing eventful... probably cos' am totally zapped of my energy by then.

Went home, and slept early. Sleep provides relief... both from worry and the hustle and bustle of the day's event. Results Out next Monday

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