Monday, July 21, 2008

Day of Reckoning II

Its amazing how a 15 minute conversation with my oncologist can relieved all the stress for the entire week. My Oncologist is the sweetest lady. She knew I was early for my appointment, and called me in before it was really my turn. Guess she knew i was anxious to find out....

The results: everything stable, no new spots on the bones ..phew!! Yup, not even the "spot" on the foot that the radiogragher saw. And suddenly the pain on my foot disappeared as well. hehehe

Mike and me celebrated by catching a movie. We caught The Dark Knight. It was a good show. I enjoyed the late Heath Ledgers portrayal as the Joker. He is bad to the core, and so sinister. And I thought christian bale is so cute. sigh.........

Back to some least till the next scan


Jas aka paced said...

Thank God! I'm so happy for you! :-)

Gloria said...

Thanks Pace :)